• Welcome

    Welcome to Public Record Office Victoria's (PROV) online training platform. We offer two free training courses designed to help Victorian agency staff understand their recordkeeping responsibilities:

    1. Recordkeeping Essentials is for all employees (including contractors and volunteers) working in Victorian agencies with responsibilities under the Public Records Act 1973. It aims to enhance your understanding of recordkeeping obligations in your workplace.
    2. Digital Recordkeeping provides a clear overview of requirements for managing digital records. Aligned with PROV Standards, it’s designed for everyone, even those outside the records profession, and helps staff understand and manage digital records.
    • info

      If you have not previously registered for an account, you can sign up here.

      Once you create a profile (username and password), if you do not receive an email confirming your enrolment, please check your junk mail or spam folder. 

      Some participants may not receive their confirmation email if it is blocked by agency mail servers.

      We monitor the registrations throughout the day and confirm manually. If you still can't login after 24 hours using the login and password, you created when registering please contact elearning@prov.vic.gov.au for help.