Digital Recordkeeping training module

This training provides a high-level look at the requirements around digital recordkeeping. While linking closely to PROV Standards, it has been developed with a view that those outside of the records profession can pick up and gain a basic understanding of requirements, where to start and what to look at.

The module will assist public offices in their journey to recognise and manage digital records lawfully, and to support all staff with responsibilities for managing business information systems and processes. It has been divided into five fundamentals or micro-credentials, focusing on the digital environment to allow users to pick and choose what areas are of interest or value. A Digital Recordkeeping Certificate will be issued upon completion of all five credentials.

Recordkeeping Essentials training module

All Victorian public sector employees and Government Agencies must manage any records created or received at work in accordance with the Public Records Act 1973. Victorian Government information must be managed in a way that ensures its integrity is maintained and is accessible; good recordkeeping ensures that the right information is available to the right people at the right time.

Effective management of public information is crucial to the provision of excellent service to the Victorian community, and enhances the trust that the public have in government officials and processes. This is largely because public information and data relates to decisions and actions that impact directly on individuals and local communities, and therefore must be treated with the utmost respect.

As a Victorian public sector employee you are responsible for creating and maintaining records that show evidence of any workplace activities and decisions. 

All Victorian public sector employees should complete this course - this includes people employed on fixed term contracts and under casual or contractor arrangements. It will guide you through your basic recordkeeping responsibilities so that you can protect yourself and your organisation. Remember to also familiarise yourself with your organisation's policies and processes.

Justine Heazlewood

Director and Keeper of Public Records